The Comprehensive Guide to Rehab for a Loved One

Growing up in an alcoholic family, I saw firsthand the devastating toll this disease can take on our loved ones and the family itself. I also saw how confusing it could be to find the appropriate treatment program. On more than one occasion I witnessed my mom muttering, “I wish someone would make a guide on all this stuff” as she sorted through treatment center pamphlets and brochures while calling various detox centers to inquire about their programming. So we did just that. Here’s a guide to all things drug and alcohol rehab and how you can support your loved one through this process. 


The Disease 


Like cancer, addiction is not a moral failing. Its progression is not due to a lack of willpower. Addiction is a chronic brain disorder that alters cognitive functioning and behavior. While drug use may begin as voluntary, over time the brain changes, the disease asserts control and reduces the ability to make sound decisions. This leads to compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences.  


The Impact 


The effects of addiction can rip through families like a tsunami, causing emotional, financial, and sometimes physical strain. Trust is eroded, relationships become strained, and family dynamics can be destroyed - sometimes irreparably so. Recognizing addiction as a family disease is essential for effective treatment. Support from family members can significantly influence the recovery process.


How Drug & Alcohol Rehab Works


1. Assessment & Evaluation

Before treatment can begin, a comprehensive assessment must be completed. This allows the treatment team to gain a full picture of the causes and conditions behind your loved ones behavior. Medical and clinical professionals evaluate physical and mental health, substance use history, previous treatment history, and personal circumstances. Afterwards they work together to create an individualized treatment plan which will address the full scope of their addiction. 


2. Detoxification

Depending on the nature of substances used and the severity of the addiction, detox may be in order. Safely detoxing a person involves the management of withdrawal symptoms as the body rids itself of drugs or alcohol. If a person is physically dependent on a substance, detox should be done in the presence of medical supervision to ensure safety and comfort. Detox must be completed before the clinical portion of treatment can begin. 


3. Inpatient or Outpatient Treatment

Depending on the severity of the addiction, individuals may enter either residential or outpatient treatment programs.

  • Inpatient Treatment: Residential treatment is where a person lives at the rehab facility for an extended period of time. The average treatment stay is anywhere from 30 to 90 days. Living on site provides a structured environment with 24/7 support, reduces outside triggers and potential for relapse, and allows the individual to focus entirely on their recovery. This can be crucial for those with long-term or severe substance abuse. 
  • Outpatient Treatment: Less structured than inpatient, outpatient treatment allows individuals to live at home while attending scheduled treatment sessions. It’s suitable for those with milder addictions or who have completed inpatient treatment and need ongoing support as they reintegrate into their everyday lives. 


4. Therapy & Counseling

Therapy is a cornerstone of addiction treatment. Different types of therapeutic approaches help address the underlying causes of addiction and teach coping mechanisms for long-term recovery. 

  • Individual Therapy: One-on-one sessions with a therapist to work through personal issues and triggers.
  • Group Therapy: Group sessions provide peer support and the opportunity to learn from others’ experiences.
  • Family Therapy: Involving family members in therapy sessions is integral to repairing relationships, improving communication, and building a support system for the recovering individual.


5. Aftercare & Relapse Prevention

Treatment is just the beginning of recovery. The rubber meets the road once a person leaves the treatment bubble. Aftercare programs and relapse prevention strategies are vital to maintaining sobriety. This can include ongoing therapy, support groups, and sober living arrangements.


The Role of Family in the Rehab Process


Since addiction is a family disease, family should, ideally, be a part of the healing process. Here are ways families can support their loved one’s recovery and get support themselves

  • Education: Seeking to understand how addiction works and why can help families provide informed and compassionate support.
  • Participate in Family Therapy: This helps repair relationships and create a supportive home environment. It creates an opportunity to talk through grievances and begin the healing process. 
  • Encourage Treatment Adherence: Support their loved one in attending all treatment sessions and following their recovery plan.
  • Create a Sober Environment: Reducing exposure to triggers and maintaining a substance-free home is crucial for recovery.


Finding the Right Rehab in Kansas


When searching for a drug and alcohol rehab in Kansas, consider the following:

Accreditation & Licensing: Ensure the facility is accredited and licensed by nationally recognized bodies such as CARF and TJC

  • Comprehensive Treatment Plans: Treatment is not a one-size-fits all endeavor and any treatment facility being considered should be able to provide a spectrum of treatment modalities to fit your needs. 
  • Family Involvement: Choose facilities that encourage and facilitate family participation in the recovery process.
  • Aftercare Support: Check if the rehab offers robust aftercare programs to support long-term recovery.


Find Out More about Sunflower Recovery


Sunflower Recovery is dedicated to serving the greater Kansas City area in all things treatment related. Our Masters-level clinicians and administrative team will provide you with the solutions, scientifically-proven treatments, and support you need to heal and grow anew. Call us today to learn more about our programs and to find out how recovery is possible. 

Guide to Drug & Alcohol Rehab