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Residential Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Kansas
No matter how bad things may seem, it is possible to break free from addiction - with the right help. Our 90-day co-ed residential addiction treatment program is where you'll plant the seed to grow a new life in recovery.
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment Therapies
Addiction is just one of the symptoms of underlying mental health issues or trauma. That’s why our Masters-level clinicians will provide the solutions you need to heal from the inside out. Each client receives a truly customized treatment plan featuring a variety of drug and alcohol addiction treatment therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Medication Assisted Therapy and more.

What Happens in Rehab?
During your time at Sunflower, you’ll focus on healing past traumas and learning new coping mechanisms to nurture your growth and build a better life without drugs and alcohol. A typical day at Sunflower might include: